European Journal of Law Reform


The Principle of Energy Solidarity in European Union Law

Nord Stream 2 as a Common Thread

Keywords European Union, Gas European market, Principle of energy solidarity, Nord Stream 2
Authors Luís Felipe Borges Taveira en Daniel Campos de Carvalho
Author's information

Luís Felipe Borges Taveira
Luís Felipe Borges Taveira, Master’s student in Law at the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences (FCHS) of the São Paulo State University (UNESP), campus Franca, e-mail, Lattes iD, Orcid iD, financed by: CAPES.

Daniel Campos de Carvalho
Daniel Campos de Carvalho, Adjunct Professor C, III at the Federal University of São Paulo (Unifesp), Professor of the Graduate Program in Law – PPGDIREITO/UNESP/FRANCA and Professor of the Graduate Program in International Relations – PPG-PRI/UFABC, e-mail, Lattes iD, Orcid iD This study was financed in part by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior – Brasil (CAPES) – Finance Code 001.
  • Abstract

      Changes in the European natural gas market that were planned to enable the installation of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline are wrapped in a regulatory dome. Gazprom, a Russian state-owned company, is concerned with demonstrating that the project is compatible with European integration. The legal debate expands when it becomes clear that political, regulatory and legal institutions, such as the Court of Justice of the European Union, use the principle of energy solidarity to justify European action in this market and its application at the national level. The general hypothesis to be answered is: does the principle of energy solidarity satisfy the European pretensions about the gas pipeline? Through a documental and bibliographical research, the supranational norms and jurisprudence on the gas market will be adopted as a starting point; later on, an analysis of the judicial decisions on the extension of the competence of the European norms and a theoretical assessment of the principle of energy solidarity will be conducted.

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