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European Journal of Policing Studies


Evidence-Based Policing and McDonaldization: Scientification of the Police and Irrationalities

Keywords evidence-based policing, McDonaldization, police research, police professionalization, rationalization
Authors Jan Terpstra
Author's information

Jan Terpstra
Jan Terpstra is emeritus professor of criminology at the Radboud University, Nijmegen (Netherlands) and fellow at Leyden University (campus The Hague).
  • Abstract

      In this article, evidence-based policing (EBP) is understood as a double form of McDonaldization. The core elements of McDonaldization as distinguished by Ritzer can be found in both EBP research and in how EBP envisions the relations between research and police practice: a strong focus on effectiveness, much emphasis on quantification and predictability and a strong emphasis on control of human behaviour. In line with Ritzer’s theoretical approach, in both EBP research and in the relations between EBP research and police practice, important irrationalities can be found. As a result, the terms McScience and McPolice seem to be justified. Although since its early years broader definitions of EBP have been evolving, the core elements of EBP as they were defined have remained intact. Given the instrumentalist core assumptions of EBP, broader definitions of EBP will not suffice to make an end to the irrationalities of EBP research and of the EBP scientification of the police. Finally, the article makes a proposal for an alternative approach to police-oriented research.

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