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Politics of the Low Countries

Politics of the Low Countries (PLC) provides scientific insights in Belgian and Dutch politics. It is the official journal of the Flemish (VPW), Francophone (ABSP) and Luxembourg (LuxPol) political science associations in cooperation with the Dutch Political Science Association (NKWP). The journal has a comprehensive scope, embracing all the major political developments in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg.

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Searching for a specific article without having to subscribe to a journal? For a nominal fee of € 17.95 (excl. VAT) you can purchase access to the article of your choosing for a 24 hour period, allowing you also the possibility to download the PDF or print its contents directly. To purchase the 24 hours access visit:

Editorial board

Julien Van Ostaaijen, Stefanie Beyens, Daphne van der Pas, Katja Biedenkopf, Min Reuchamps (co-Editor-in-chief), Brenda Van Coppenolle, Christophe Lesschaeve, Maurits Meijers, Caroline Close, Luana Russo (co-Editor-in-chief), Audrey Vandeleene, Eline Severs, Ruud Wouters, Geoffrey Grandjean, Nadim Farhat, and Rebecca Gebauer (Editorial assistant)

Politics of the Low Countries will be published by Radboud University Press as diamond open-access publication from January 2025 onwards. In the meantime submissions can be sent to