DOI: 10.5553/RP/048647001976018003363

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Liège, une reconduction mouvementée

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Jean Beaufays, "Liège, une reconduction mouvementée", Res Publica, 3-4, (1976):363-381

    The mergers of communes have modified the political circumstances resulting from the local elections of october 10, 1976. The two parties that shared the executive power since the former local elections (october 1970) had already in february 1976 decided to renew their alliance for the next term of office (1970-'82). They lay emphasis on problems concerning public education and on economic questions. The election campaign was quite agitated in political circles but rather calm as far as the general public was concerned.However, the creation - on Walloon scale - of a new party consisting of a split-away faction of the RW (Rassemblement Wallon; Walloon Gathering) and the complete Walloon PLP (Parti pour la Liberté et leProgrès; liberal party in the continental sense of the word) have created in the enlarged Liège a political situation which is far from comprehensible for the average voter.

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