DOI: 10.5553/RP/048647001986028001003

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De vraagstelling bij een referendum

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Gerrit De Geest, "De vraagstelling bij een referendum", Res Publica, 1, (1986):3-21

    Phrasing the question is one of the most delicate points of a referendum. A first problem is to choose the most important alternatives. Several procedures to select these alternatives and to avoid some kinds of manipulation, exist. There are a lot of arguments for the voting on principles, but also a lot against. The Swiss criterion for «unity of matter» (to avoid two items in one question) is not workable; a new criterion is proposed. The danger of suggestivity (caused by loaded words, by arguments in the question, or by a failure of communication) is real. Rules to prevent these dangers are discussed. Finally, some remarks are made on the problem «who decides on the question?». A neutral commission is wishful.

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