Must Article 17(1) of Directive 2003/88 concerning certain aspects of the organisation of working time be interpreted as including within its scope an activity, as described above, performed in a children’s home in which the worker acts as the representative of foster parents of children in care on the parents’ days off, lives during this period with the children in a family-like setting and during this time independently attends equally to the children’s and family’s needs, as parents generally do?
DOI: 10.5553/EELC/187791072016001003035
European Employment Law Cases |
ECJ Court Watch | Case C-175/16. Working timeHannele Hälvä, Sari Naukkarinen, Pirjo Paajanen, Satu Piik – v – SOS-Lapsikylä ry, reference lodged by the Finnish Korkein oikeus on 29 March 2016 |
Keywords | Working time |
DOI | 10.5553/EELC/187791072016001003035 |
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Suggested citation
, "Case C-175/16. Working time", European Employment Law Cases, 3, (2016):213-213
, "Case C-175/16. Working time", European Employment Law Cases, 3, (2016):213-213