The Court of Appeal has given guidance on how to determine employment status in discrimination cases where the claimant is engaged on a case-by-case basis. The judgment confirms that the lack of mutual obligations between the putative employer and employee between assignments can be a relevant factor. If an individual is engaged on an assignment-by-assignment basis, with the freedom to turn down work when it is offered, this may imply a lack of subordination during the periods of work. The absence of an overarching ‘umbrella’ contract between assignments may therefore be relevant when determining whether an individual is protected by discrimination law. |

European Employment Law Cases
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Editorial |
Case Reports |
Keywords | Employment status, Absence of obligations |
Authors | Tom McEvoy |
AbstractAuthor's information |
Case Reports |
Keywords | Unlawful termination, Unlawful discrimination |
Authors | Dr. Marcin Wujczyk |
AbstractAuthor's information |
It is possible to make a claim for unlawful discrimination in respect of termination of an employment contract even if no claims has been made for unlawful termination. |
Case Reports |
Keywords | Gender, Pregnancy, Dismissal |
Authors | Anton van Leeuwen |
AbstractAuthor's information |
A discriminatory refusal to offer an employee a new employment contract upon expiry of a fixed term contract is not discriminatory dismissal but a discriminatory refusal to give access to employment. The employer is liable for emotional damages. |
Case Reports |
Keywords | Religion |
Authors | Hans Georg Laimer and Lukas Wieser |
AbstractAuthor's information |
The Austrian Supreme Court has ruled that the general prohibition of Muslim face veils by an employer does not constitute unlawful discrimination. In this landmark decision, Austria’s Supreme Court expresses the view that an uncovered face is a prerequisite to proper communication. Thus, termination of employment by reason of an employee’s refusal to come to work unless she can wear a face veil is not unlawful under the Austrian Equal Treatment Act. Whether this rule also applies to other religious clothing such as headscarves remains to be seen. |
Case Reports |
Keywords | Religion, Indirect discrimination |
Authors | Laurence Mills |
AbstractAuthor's information |
The Employment Appeal Tribunal has upheld an appeal against the finding that a committed Christian teacher who refused to separate from her husband following his conviction for sexual offences would have been dismissed regardless of her faith and therefore such a dismissal was not indirectly discriminatory. The EAT found instead that the Claimant was presented with the choice of having to separate from her husband or be dismissed which subjected people who have a faith-based commitment to marriage to a particular disadvantage. |
Case Reports |
Keywords | Independent contractors, Employees |
Authors | Marianne Jenum Hotvedt and Anne-Beth Engan |
AbstractAuthor's information |
EU employment protection is usually limited to “employees”, meaning that independent contractors are not covered. However, EU law often leaves it to Member States to determine the meaning of employee. The directives regulating transfers of undertakings, collective redundancies, written working conditions, information and consultation, part-time work, temporary agency workers etc. are all examples of protection covering only ‘employees’ as defined by each Member State. |
Case Reports |
Keywords | Suspension, Disciplinary investigation |
Authors | Andreea Suciu |
AbstractAuthor's information |
Article 52(1)(a) of the Romanian Labour Code allows an employer to suspend, without pay, an employee under a disciplinary investigation. However, the Constitutional Court has recently ruled Article 52(1)(a) unconstitutional. |
Case Reports |
Keywords | Non-compete, Damage compensation |
Authors | Claire Toumieux and Susan Ekrami |
AbstractAuthor's information |
An employee who could not prove any harm resulting from an invalid non-compete clause in his employment contract could not obtain damages. |
Case Reports |
Keywords | Whistleblowing |
Authors | Lucy O’Neill |
AbstractAuthor's information |
In one of the first high-profile cases under the Protected Disclosures Act 2014 (i.e. whistleblowing legislation), two employees have successfully secured an injunction in the Circuit Court which prevents their dismissal. |
Case Reports |
Keywords | Pension premiums, Unpaid premiums go across, Liability |
Authors | Zef Even |
AbstractAuthor's information |
This case confirms that if both the transferor and transferee are affiliated to the same mandatory industry-level pension scheme, following the transfer, the transferee is liable for due but unpaid pension contributions dating from before the date of the transfer. |
Case Reports |
Keywords | Disabled employees, Invalid termination, International aspects |
Authors | Paul Schreiner and Nina Stephan |
AbstractAuthor's information |
An employee may bring a claim for invalid termination before the German Labour courts, irrespective of the law governing the employment relationship. In Germany, it is only possible for an employer to dismiss a severely disabled person if the competent state authority grants a permit enabling it to do so. However, this requirement is limited to those with employment agreements under German Law. |
Case Reports |
Keywords | Sexual harassment claim, Time-barred, Victimisation |
Authors | Anna Praxitelous |
AbstractAuthor's information |
The Industrial Disputes Court considered certain substantive and procedural issues in the context of a claim for sexual harassment and victimisation. This case provides a good illustration of the principles the tribunals apply when examining sexual harassment cases and how these are interpreted by Cypriot employment courts. |
ECJ Court Watch |
Keywords | Fixed-term work |
Abstract |
Fixed-term workers must be paid the same severance compensation as comparable permanent workers. |
ECJ Court Watch |
Keywords | Fixed-term work |
Abstract |
Successive fixed-term contracts cannot be justified by legal provisions allowing renewal in order to ensure the provision of certain services of a temporary, auxiliary or extraordinary nature when, in reality, there is no obligation to create additional permanent posts in order to bring an end to the structural use of fixed-term work to fill permanent posts. |
ECJ Court Watch |
Keywords | Fixed-term work |
Abstract |
The penalty for abuse of successive fixed-term contracts must be available to all victims of such abuse, including those employed under administrative, rather than employment, law. National law may not require a victim to bring a new action before a different court in order to determine the penalty. |
ECJ Court Watch |
Keywords | Fixed-term work |
Abstract |
The fact that veterinary health inspections are non-permanent in nature does not justify successive fixed-term contracts unless the renewal of those contracts is in fact aimed at covering a specific need in the relevant sector, without the underlying reason being budgetary considerations. |
ECJ Court Watch |
Keywords | Fixed-term work |
Abstract |
Spanish law which reserves participation in evaluation plans for teachers contravenes Directive 1999/70. |
ECJ Court Watch |
Keywords | Applicable-law |
Abstract |
The Rome I Regulation only applies to contracts concluded before 17 December 2009 insofar as the contract has undergone major change afterwards. It precludes overriding mandatory provisions other than those of the forum court. |
ECJ Court Watch |
Keywords | Age discrimination, Tax |
Abstract |
Tax law may, in principle, allow persons aged under 30 to deduct from their taxable income more vocational training expenses than older persons. |
ECJ Court Watch |
Keywords | Age discrimination |
Abstract |
Directive 2000/78 does not preclude requiring candidates for the position of police officer to be under 35 years of age. The ECJ distinguishes from its judgment in Vital Pérez. |
ECJ Court Watch |
Keywords | Temporary agency work |
Abstract |
The definition of ‘worker’ in Directive 2008/104 on temporary agency work includes those who are similar to employees, without having employee status under domestic law. |
ECJ Court Watch |
Keywords | Working time |
ECJ Court Watch |
Keywords | Part-time work, Gender discrimination |
ECJ Court Watch |
Keywords | Social security |
ECJ Court Watch |
Keywords | Gender discrimination |
ECJ Court Watch |
Keywords | Discrimination, Religion |
ECJ Court Watch |
Keywords | Working time |
ECJ Court Watch |
Keywords | Transfer of Undertaking |
ECJ Court Watch |
Keywords | Collective redundancy |
ECJ Court Watch |
Keywords | Maternity leave |
ECJ Court Watch |
Keywords | Free movement |
ECJ Court Watch |
Keywords | Fixed-term work |
ECJ Court Watch |
Keywords | Gender discrimination |