Article 241(2) 13 in conjunction with Article 241(2) 8 and Article 23 1 of the Labour Code (Kodeks pracy);
Article 241(2) 13 in conjunction with Article 77(5) 2 or Article 241(1) 7 of the Labour Code;
Article 42(1) of the Labour Code in conjunction with Article 45(1) of the Labour Code?
Is Article 2 of Directive 98/59 to be interpreted as meaning that an employer employing at least 20 employees who intends to give notice of termination of contractual conditions in relation to a number of employees, as provided for in Article 1(1) of the Law of 13 March 2003 laying down special rules on terminating employment relationships with employees for reasons unrelated to the employees (Ustawa o szczególnych zasadach rozwiązywania z pracownikami stosunków pracy z przyczyn niedotyczących pracowników, Dz. U. 2003, No 90, item 844, as amended), is required to use the procedures specified in Articles 2, 3, 4 and 6 of that law? That is, does that obligation apply in the case of the following articles: