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European Employment Law Cases

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Issue 4, 2019 Expand all abstracts

    The High Court (HC) dismissed an application by an employer for an interim injunction to prevent strike action organised by two trade unions, who were demanding parity of treatment for their members as compared to members of another union. It was more likely than not that the two unions would succeed in establishing, at the full trial of the matter, that the statutory protection under UK law for industrial action applied.

Kerry Salisbury
Kerry Salisbury is an Associate at Lewis Silkin LLP.

    Relying on the prohibition of age discrimination stemming from Directive 2000/78, the Labour Tribunal of Leuven refused to apply a Collective Labour Agreement establishing the minimum monthly salary for employees depending on their work experience even if not relevant and the Royal Decree enforcing it. The jurisdiction grounded its decision on the fact that this gave a strong advantage to older employees without objective justification.

Gautier Busschaert
Gautier Busschaert is an attorney-at-law at Van Olmen & Wynant, Brussels, Belgium.
Case Reports

Access_open 2019/41 A question of age discrimination (NL)

Keywords Age discrimination
Authors Claire Huijts
AbstractAuthor's information

    The Supreme Court found that the Court of Appeal did not properly examine whether the difference of treatment of employees based on a social plan may be justified.

Claire Huijts
Claire Huijts is an attorney-at-law at Pels Rijcken, The Hague, The Netherlands.

    The Court of Appeal (CA) has ruled that it was unlawful to discriminate against an employee because of a mistaken perception that she had a progressive condition which would make her unable to perform the full functions of the role in future.

Bethan Carney
Bethan Carney is a Managing Practice Development Lawyer at Lewis Silkin LLP.
Case Reports

Access_open 2019/43 Dismissal after childbirth-related leave (DK)

Keywords Gender discrimination
Authors Christian K. Clasen
AbstractAuthor's information

    The Danish Western High Court has ruled that the dismissal of an employee shortly after returning from childbirth-related leave did not constitute discrimination within the meaning of the Danish Act on Equal Treatment of Men and Women.

Christian K. Clasen
Christian K. Clasen is a partner at Norrbom Vinding, Copenhagen.

    The European Commission recently conducted a public consultation on the measures that may be taken to ensure the full application of the principle of equal pay between women and men. Its evaluation report is expected before the end of this year. The new Swiss legislation on monitoring and disclosure of the gender pay gap may be inspiration for future EU initiatives in this area.

Sara Rousselle-Ruffieux
Sara Rousselle-Ruffieux is an attorney-at-law at Lenz & Staehelin, Geneva, Switzerland.

    The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Latvia has ruled that provisions of the Law on Higher Education Institutions stipulating that professors and associate professors are elected to the office for a fixed period of time, i.e. for six years, and that only fixed-term employment contracts are to be concluded with them are not compatible with the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia (Latvijas Republikas Satversme) (the ‘Constitution’), which among other things provides that everyone has the right to freely choose their employment and workplace according to their abilities and qualifications. The restriction of this right in this case cannot be regarded as proportionate since the legislator has failed to implement the requirements of the Fixed-term Work Directive 99/70/EC.

Andis Burkevics
Andis Burkevics is a counsel with SORAINEN.
Case Reports

Access_open 2019/46 Robbery attack: the responsibility of the employer? (SI)

Keywords Health and safety, Miscellaneous
Authors Petra Smolnikar and Romana Ulcar
AbstractAuthor's information

    A worker was performing regular work tasks at their workplace when an attempted robbery took place. The worker suffered serious facial injuries as a result of an assault by one of the robbers and they filed a lawsuit against their employer claiming the latter was fully liable (both objectively and subjectively) for the work accident entitling them to reimbursement of all damages resulting from the accident.
    The question that was raised was whether the employer can be held subjectively liable for an accident at work despite the fact that it had taken the necessary measures foreseen and/or imposed by law to prevent such accidents.

Petra Smolnikar
Petra Smolnikar is the founder and manager at the law firm PETRA SMOLNIKAR LAW, Ljubljana, Slovenia (

Romana Ulcar
Romana Ulčar is a legal assistant at PETRA SMOLNIKAR LAW.
Case Reports

Access_open 2019/47 Transfer of undertakings does not include temporary agency workers (AT)

Keywords Transfer of undertakings, Transfer, Employees who transfer/refuse to transfer
Authors Thomas B. Pfalz
AbstractAuthor's information

    In a series of rulings the Austrian Supreme Court has made it clear that temporary agency workers are transferred to the transferee only if they are assigned to the transferor on a permanent basis. According to the Court, the facts of the cases at hand are not comparable to those of the ECJ ruling in Albron Catering BV (C-242/09). Hence the temporary agency workers remain with their original employer. However, some aspects of the Court’s reasoning seem unclear if not contradictory with regard to other recent judgments.

Thomas B. Pfalz
Thomas B. Pfalz is a Senior Scientist at the Institute for Law at the University of Klagenfurt.
Case Reports

Access_open 2019/48 Transfer of undertaking applicable in case of delegation of a public service (RO)

Keywords Transfer of undertakings, Transfer
Authors Ioana Cazacu
AbstractAuthor's information

    The Supreme Court found that the Court of Appeal did not properly examine whether the difference of treatment of employees based on a social plan may be justified.

Ioana Cazacu
Ioana Cazacu is Managing Associate with POPOVICI NIŢU STOICA & ASOCIAŢII, Bucharest, Romania.

    The Federal Labour Court (Bundesarbeitsgericht – BAG) has decided that the entitlement to paid annual leave only expires at the end of the calendar year or at the end of a carry-over period if the employer has previously put the employee in a position to take his leave and yet the employee has not taken the leave out of his own free will. The court held that the employer must cooperate in granting the leave. He has to encourage the employee to take his – concrete numbered - leave and inform him accurately and in good time, that the entitlement to paid leave would otherwise expire.

Daniel Zintl
Daniel Zintl is an attorney-at-law with Luther Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH.

    The Federal Labour Court had to decide on a case in which an employee asserted claims for damages against his public employer on account of an overtime regulation which infringed European law. However, because he had failed to comply with the time limits, his lawsuit was unsuccessful in the final instance.

Othmar K. Traber
Othmar K. Traber is a partner at Ahlers & Vogel Rechtsanwälte PartG mbB in Bremen,
Case Reports

Access_open 2019/51 Stand-by time from home is paid working time (RO)

Keywords Working time
Authors Andreea Suciu and Gabriela Ion
AbstractAuthor's information

    Stand-by time from home represents working time of medical personnel even for the periods when no medical activity was actually performed (no attendance at the hospital was required), the salary rights for such period being determined as a percentage of the hourly rate for the basic salary and the number of hours when stand-by time from home was performed.

Andreea Suciu
Andreea Suciu is the Managing Partner of Suciu I The Employment Law Firm (

Gabriela Ion
Gabriela Ion is an associate with Suciu I The Employment Law Firm (

Access_open ECtHR 17 October 2019, applications no. 1874/13 and 8567/13 (López Ribalda), Privacy, Fair Trial, Unfair Dismissal

López Ribalda and others – v – Spain

Keywords Privacy, Fair Trial, Unfair Dismissal


Access_open ECJ 11 September 2019, case C-397/18 (Nobel Plastiques Ibérica), Disability discrimination

DW – v – Nobel Plastiques Ibérica SA and Others, Spanish case

Keywords Disability discrimination

    The concept of ‘disability’ within the meaning of Directive 2000/78 must be understood as referring to a limitation of capacity which results in particular from long-term physical, mental or psychological impairments which, in interaction with various barriers, may hinder the full and effective participation of the person concerned in professional life on an equal basis with other workers. Selection criteria for dismissal may constitute indirect discrimination.


Access_open ECJ 18 September 2019, case C-32/18 (Tiroler Gebietskrankenkasse), Social insurance

Tiroler Gebietskrankenkasse – v – Michael Moser, Austrian case

Keywords Social insurance


Access_open ECJ 18 September 2019, case C-366/18 (Ortiz Mesonero), Maternity and parental leave

José Manuel Ortiz Mesonero – v – UTE Luz Madrid Centro, Spanish case

Keywords Maternity and parental leave


Access_open ECJ 19 September 2019, joined cases C-95/18 and C-96/18 (Van den Berg en Giesen), Social insurance

Sociale Verzekeringsbank – v – F. van den Berg (C-95/18), H. D. Giesen (C-95/18), C. E. Franzen (C-96/18), Dutch case

Keywords Social insurance


Access_open ECJ 2 October 2019, case C-93/18 (Bajratari), Work and residence permit

Ermira Bajratari – v – Secretary of State for the Home Department, UK case

Keywords Work and residence permit


Access_open ECJ 19 September 2019, case C-544/18 (Dakneviciute), Work and residence permit

Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs – v – Henrika Dakneviciute, UK case

Keywords Work and residence permit


Access_open ECJ 26 September 2019, case C-63/18 (Vitali), Other forms of free movement

Vitali SpA – v – Autostrade per l’Italia SpA, Italian case

Keywords Other forms of free movement


Access_open ECJ 3 October 2019, case C-302/18 (X), Work and residence permit

X – v – Belgische Staat, Belgian case

Keywords Work and residence permit


Access_open ECJ 7 October 2019, case C-171/18 (Safeway), Gender discrimination, Pension

Safeway Ltd – v – Andrew Richard Newton, Safeway Pension Trustees Ltd, UK case

Keywords Gender discrimination, Pension


Access_open ECJ 5 November 2019, case C-192/18 (Commission – v – Poland), Gender Discrimination, Fair Trial

European Commission – v – Republic of Poland, EU Case

Keywords Gender discrimination, Fair trial


Access_open ECJ 24 October 2019, case C-35/19 (Belgische Staat), Free movement

BU – v – État Belge, Belgian case

Keywords Free movement


Access_open ECJ 19 November 2019, joined cases C-609/17 and C-610/17 (TSN), Paid leave

Terveys- ja sosiaalialan neuvottelujärjestö (TSN) ry – v – Hyvinvointialan liitto ry; Auto- ja Kuljetusalan Työntekijäliitto AKT ry – v – Satamaoperaattorit ry, Finnish cases

Keywords Paid leave


Access_open ECJ 21 November 2019, joined cases C-203/18 and C-374/18, Working time, Miscellaneous

Deutsche Post AG, Klaus Leymann – v – Land Nordrhein-Westfalen; UPS Deutschland Inc. & Co. OHG, DPD Dynamic Parcel Distribution GmbH & Co. KG, Bundesverband Paket & Expresslogistik eV – v – Deutsche Post AG, German cases

Keywords Working time, Miscellaneous

Pending Cases

Access_open Case C-407/19, Free movement, fixed-term work

Katoen Natie Bulk Terminals NV, General Services Antwerp NV – v – Belgische Staat, reference lodged by the Raad van State (Belgium) on 24 May 2019

Keywords Free movement, fixed-term work
Pending Cases

Access_open Case C-446/19 P, Miscellaneous

Stephan Fleig – v – European External Action Service, Appeal against the order of the General Court (First Chamber) delivered on 2 April 2019 in Case T-492/17

Keywords Miscellaneous
Pending Cases

Access_open Case C-483/19, Fixed-term work

Ville de Verviers – v – J, reference lodged by the Cour du travail de Liège (Belgium) on 24 June 2019

Keywords Fixed-term work
Pending Cases

Access_open Case C-471/19, Gender discrimination

Middlegate Europe NV – v – Ministerraad, reference lodged by the Grondwettelijk Hof (Belgium) on 20 June 2019

Keywords Gender discrimination
Pending Cases

Access_open Case C-454/19, Free movement

ZW, reference lodged by the Amtsgericht Heilbronn (Germany) on 14 June 2019

Keywords Free movement
Pending Cases

Access_open Case C-463/19, Gender discrimination

Syndicat CFTC du personnel de la Caisse primaire d’assurance maladie de la Moselle – v – Caisse primaire d’assurance maladie de Moselle, reference lodged by the Conseil de prud’hommes de Metz (France) on 18 June 2019

Keywords Gender discrimination
Pending Cases

Access_open Case C-511/19, Age discrimination

AB – v – Olympiako Athlitiko Kentro Athinon – Spyros Louis, reference lodged by the Areios Pagos (Greece) on 4 July 2019

Keywords Age discrimination
Pending Cases

Access_open Cases C-492/19, C-493/19 and C-494/19, Free movement, Posting of workers and expatriates

OK, PL and QM, reference lodged by the Landesverwaltungsgericht Steiermark (Austria) lodged on 26 June 2019

Keywords Free movement, Posting of workers and expatriates
Pending Cases

Access_open C-518/19 P, Miscellaneous

Jakov Ardalic and others – v – Council, Appeal against the judgment of the General Court (Eighth Chamber) delivered on 30 April 2019 in Joined Cases T-523/16 and T-542/16

Keywords Miscellaneous
Pending Cases

Access_open C-517/19 P, Miscellaneous

Maria Alvarez y Bejarano and Others – v – Commission, Appeal against the judgment of the General Court (Eighth Chamber) delivered on 30 April 2019 in Joined Cases T-516/16 and T-536/16

Keywords Miscellaneous
Pending Cases

Access_open Case C-535/19, Free movement, Social insurance

A – v – Latvijas Republikas Veselības ministrija, reference lodged by the Augstākā tiesa (Latvia) on 12 July 2019

Keywords Free movement, Social insurance
Pending Cases

Access_open Case C-580/19, Working time

RJ – v – Stadt Offenbach am Main, reference lodged by the Verwaltungsgericht Darmstadt (Germany) on 30 July 2019

Keywords Working time
Pending Cases

Access_open Case C-585/19, Working time

Academia de Studii Economice din București – v – Organismul Intermediar pentru Programul Operațional Capital Uman – Ministerul Educației Naționale, reference lodged by the Tribunalul București (Romania) on 2 August 2019

Keywords Working time
Pending Cases

Access_open Case C-624/19, Discrimination

K and Others – v – Tesco Stores Ltd, reference lodged by the Watford Employment Tribunal (United Kingdom) on 22 August 2019

Keywords Discrimination
Pending Cases

Access_open Case C-635/19, Miscellaneous

Confederación Sindical Comisiones Obreras de Euskadi – v – Ayuntamiento de Arrigorriaga, reference lodged by the Órgano Administrativo de Recursos Contractuales de la Comunidad Autónoma de Euskadi (Spain) on 26 August 2019

Keywords Miscellaneous
Pending Cases

Access_open Case C-644/19, Fixed-term work, Age discrimination

FT – v – Universitatea ‘Lucian Blaga’ Sibiu, GS and Others, and Ministerul Educației Naționale, reference lodged by the Curtea de Apel Alba Iulia (Romania) on 28 August 2019

Keywords Fixed-term work, Age discrimination
Pending Cases

Access_open Case C-598/19, Miscellaneous

Confederación Nacional de Centros Especiales de Empleo (CONACEE) – v – Diputación Foral de Guipúzcoa, reference lodged by the Tribunal Superior de Justicia del País Vasco (Spain) on 6 August 2019

Keywords Miscellaneous
Pending Cases

Access_open Case C-652/19, Fixed-term work, Collective redundancies

KO – v – Fallimento Consulmarketing SpA, reference lodged by the Tribunale di Milano (Italy) on 2 September 2019

Keywords Fixed-term work, Collective redundancies
Pending Cases

Access_open Case C-710/19, Free movement

G.M.A. – v – Belgian State, reference lodged by the Conseil d’État (Belgium) on 25 September 2019

Keywords Free movement