European Employment Law Cases


2021/34 End of the Ryanair saga: a trade union victory with a bitter taste for the employees involved (BE)

Keywords Applicable Law, Working Time
Authors Gautier Busschaert
Author's information

Gautier Busschaert
Gautier Busschaert is an Attorney at Van Olmen & Wynant.
  • Abstract

      Ryanair and Crewlink have finally been found in violation of Belgian mandatory provisions following the ruling of the ECJ in cases C-168/16 and C-169/16 (Nogueira and Others) and ordered to pay certain amounts to the employees involved by virtue of Belgian mandatory provisions. Yet, this trade union victory has a bitter taste for those employees, who were refused their main claim, i.e. to be paid normal remuneration for on-call time at the airport.

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