Very weighty reasons for exclusion of employment periods accrued in other former USSR states in state pension calculation for permanently resident non-citizens, in contrast to Latvian citizens: no violation of art. 14 ECHR. The ECtHR’s summary of the case is available on: https://hudoc.echr.coe.int/eng?i=002-13683.
The Court:
Decides, unanimously, to strike the application out of its list of cases insofar as the first applicant is concerned;
Declares, unanimously, the remainder of the application admissible;
Holds, by ten votes to seven, that there has been no violation of Article 14 of the Convention taken in conjunction with Article 1 of Protocol No. 1.
DOI: 10.5553/EELC/187791072022007002011
European Employment Law Cases |
Rulings | ECtHR 9 June 2022, app. no. 49270/11 (Savickis and Others – v – Latvia), Race, Nationality DiscriminationSavickis and Others – v – Latvia, Latvian case |
Keywords | Race, Nationality Discrimination |
DOI | 10.5553/EELC/187791072022007002011 |
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Suggested citation
, "ECtHR 9 June 2022, app. no. 49270/11 (Savickis and Others – v – Latvia), Race, Nationality Discrimination", European Employment Law Cases, 2, (2022):102-102
, "ECtHR 9 June 2022, app. no. 49270/11 (Savickis and Others – v – Latvia), Race, Nationality Discrimination", European Employment Law Cases, 2, (2022):102-102
Very weighty reasons for exclusion of employment periods accrued in other former USSR states in state pension calculation for permanently resident non-citizens, in contrast to Latvian citizens: no violation of art. 14 ECHR |
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