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DOI: 10.5553/EELC/187791072022007004018

European Employment Law CasesAccess_open


ECJ 20 October 2022, case C-301/21 (Curtea de Apel Alba Iulia and Others), Age Discrimination

Curtea de Apel Alba Iulia and Others – v – YF and Others, Romanian Case

Keywords Age Discrimination
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, "ECJ 20 October 2022, case C-301/21 (Curtea de Apel Alba Iulia and Others), Age Discrimination", European Employment Law Cases, 4, (2022):205-205

    A national provision which, as applied in domestic case law, results in a higher salary for persons who entered into service before that provision cafe into force, does not constitute age discrimination. Moreover, Directive 2000/78 only protects the grounds mentioned in Article 1 of that Directive.

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