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European Journal of Law Reform

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Issue 1, 2007

Access_open The Case for Judicial Activism

Authors The Rt. Hon. Lord Justice Thorpe
Author's information

The Rt. Hon. Lord Justice Thorpe
Head of International Family Justice and Senior Judge in the Court of Appeal of England and Wales. This paper was presented at the Family Law Conference in Cape Town, South Africa, which was held from 24 till 26 January 2007.

Carl F. Mishler
J.D. Cumberland School of Law, LL.M. in Health Care and Bioethics the Indiana School of Law, Indianapolis

Access_open Freedom of Expression and the Administration of Justice in Germany

Authors Ulrich Karpen, Nils Mölle and Simon Schwarz
Author's information

Ulrich Karpen
Prof. Dr. iur., Universitätsprofessor at the Faculty of Law, University of Hamburg, Germany.

Nils Mölle
Research Assistant at the Faculty of Law, University of Hamburg, Germany.

Simon Schwarz
LL.M. (Cantab), Research Assistant at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law, Hamburg, Germany.

Adam (Adomas) Siudika
Candidate New York State Bar (USA). LL.B. Law University of Lithuania, Vilnius, (Lithuania), LL.M. Indiana University School of Law, Indianapolis, (USA). The author would like to thank Prof. Antony Page, Prof. Eleanor Kinney and Prof. Frank Emmert at Indiana University School of Law Indianapolis for their valuable remarks and encouragement. My deep appreciation to Domanskis' family from Western Springs, IL (USA) for their constant support and care.

Simeon P. Sungi
LL.B (Hons), LL.M., this work was submitted as a Masters thesis in partial fulfillment of a Masters degree in Law (LL.M.) of Indiana University School of Law - Indianapolis, Indiana, United States of America. The author wishes to thank his Supervisor and Faculty Advisor, Prof. George Edwards for his meticulous guidance in writing the work Prof. Dr. Frank Emmert for his critiques and comments in revising the article.

Corinne Dr. Widmer
Attorney-at-Law Lecturer at the University of Basel (Switzerland)

James P. Nehf
Professor of Law and Cleon H. Foust Fellow Indiana University School of Law-Indianapolis; Executive Board, International Association of Consumer Law.