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International Institute of Space Law

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Issue 1, 2001

Access_open 'Project 2001': Conclusions and Recommendations of the 'Working Group on Privatisation' with Regard to Issues of International Space Law

Emerging Issues of Interpretation and Application of Space Treaties

Authors S.U. Reif

S.U. Reif

Access_open Project 2001: Recommendations and Results Concerning the Process of Privatisation and Issues of Economic Law

Emerging Issues of Interpretation and Application of Space Treaties

Authors B. Schmidt-Tedd

B. Schmidt-Tedd

Access_open Project 2001: Final Results of the Working Group Launch and Associated Services

Emerging Issues of Interpretation and Application of Space Treaties

Authors P.S. Makiol

P.S. Makiol

Access_open Once A Launching State, Always The Launching State? A Needless Conflict of Treaty Regimes

Emerging Issues of Interpretation and Application of Space Treaties

Authors E.A. Frankle

E.A. Frankle

Access_open The Regulation of Commercial Space Launches: The Differences Between the National Systems

Emerging Issues of Interpretation and Application of Space Treaties

Authors T.C. Brisibe and M.E. Davis

T.C. Brisibe

M.E. Davis

Access_open State Responsibility/Liability for "National" Space Activities

Emerging Issues of Interpretation and Application of Space Treaties

Authors M Uchitomi

M Uchitomi

Access_open State Responsibility, Jurisdiction and Private Space Activities

Emerging Issues of Interpretation and Application of Space Treaties

Authors G. Gál

G. Gál

Access_open Some Thoughts on State Responsibility and Commercial Space Activities

Emerging Issues of Interpretation and Application of Space Treaties

Authors L.F. Castillo Arganarás

L.F. Castillo Arganarás

Access_open Outer Space Treaties and State Responsibility: A Change of Concept

Emerging Issues of Interpretation and Application of Space Treaties

Authors A.A. Golrounia and M. Bahrami

A.A. Golrounia

M. Bahrami

Access_open Brazil and the Registration Convention

Emerging Issues of Interpretation and Application of Space Treaties

Authors A.F. dos Santos

A.F. dos Santos

Access_open The USA-Brazil Implementing Arrangement on the International Space Station: Interpretation and Application

Emerging Issues of Interpretation and Application of Space Treaties

Authors M.H.F. de Souza Rolim

M.H.F. de Souza Rolim

Access_open A Celestial Body is a Celestial Body is a Celestial Body...

Emerging Issues of Interpretation and Application of Space Treaties

Authors V. Pop

V. Pop

Access_open Vikings First in National Space Law: Other Europeans to Follow - The Continuing Story of National Implementation of International Responsibility and Liability

Emerging Issues of Interpretation and Application of Space Treaties

Authors F.G. von der Dunk and A. Nikolaisen

F.G. von der Dunk

A. Nikolaisen

Access_open Legal Concept of Space Object and State Responsibility

Emerging Issues of Interpretation and Application of Space Treaties

Authors M.M. Esquivel de Cocca

M.M. Esquivel de Cocca

Access_open Conflicts Resolution in the Conditions of the Reform and Commercialization of the Space Industry in the Commonwealth of Independent States (The CIS) Countries

Emerging Issues of Interpretation and Application of Space Treaties

Authors N.R. Malysheva and S.A. Negoda

N.R. Malysheva

S.A. Negoda

M. Sato

Access_open The Taepodong Missile Incident and Emerging Issues of Interpretation and Application of Space Treaties

Emerging Issues of Interpretation and Application of Space Treaties

Authors K. Nakatani

K. Nakatani

Access_open Current French Plans for a National Legal Framework for Space Activities

Emerging Issues of Interpretation and Application of Space Treaties

Authors P. Clerc and E. Garrouste

P. Clerc

E. Garrouste

Access_open Project 2001: Recommendations of the Working Group on National Space Legislation

Emerging Issues of Interpretation and Application of Space Treaties

Authors M. Gerhard and K.-U. Schrogl

M. Gerhard

K.-U. Schrogl