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DOI: 10.5553/RP/048647001982024003601

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Beleidsvisie van het Vlaamse Gewest inzake de financiële middelen der gemeenten

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Johan Delanghe, "Beleidsvisie van het Vlaamse Gewest inzake de financiële middelen der gemeenten", Res Publica, 3-4, (1982):601-607

    An adaptation of the Municipal Law to the present-day requirements of modern management and the discharge of the central government of its financial duties vis-à-vis the municipalities are preliminary conditions for the Flemish Community to reinforce municipal autonomy. This reinforcement will go together with a granting of greater financial responsibility to the municipality. The resolution of the financial situation of the municipalities is a pressing issue for the Flemish Executive Body. In addition to the need for a new method of distributing the Municipal Fund correctly over each region, the redress of the budgetary balance, leaving the municipal autonomy unaffected, is of primary importance.

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