European Journal of Policing Studies


Labor productivity and productivity pressure in the Finnish police force

Keywords labor productivity, Baumol’s cost disease, perceived time pressure, burnout, police
Authors Matti Vuorensyrjä
Author's information

Matti Vuorensyrjä
Matti Vuorensyrjä is Senior Planning Officer at the Police College of Finland, Licentiate in Social Sciences (1998), MA (political science 1994) and MA (history 1995). Vuorensyrjä has 17 years of professional research experience and has published peer reviewed books, book chapters and articles on e.g. performance management, team and organizational climate, tacit human capital and police stressors. (Corresp.: Matti Vuorensyrjä, Poliisiammattikorkeakoulu | Police University College, PL 123 (Vaajakatu 2), FI-33721 Tampere, Finland)
  • Abstract

      In times of cost cuts, improvements in productivity are critically important for sustainable public spending. However, in labor-intensive organizations such as law enforcement, persistent attempts at productivity improvements tend to put pressure on the human resource base of the organization. This study tracks two changes using data from 2000–2012. What has happened to labor productivity in the Finnish police force? What has happened to productivity pressure as experienced by the personnel of the police force? We find that, in recent years, labor productivity has been increasing in the Finnish police force. We also find that perceived time pressure has been on the rise and that there is a rather close connection between objectively measured labor productivity and subjective time-pressure experience. The paper further demonstrates that increasing perceived time pressure is associated with a growth in the rates of self-reported sick leave and burnout scores. We conclude that it is important to be able to determine the hazard level of time-pressure experience and to use this information in everyday human resource management practices.

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