European Journal of Policing Studies


Policing Online Child Sexual Abuse

The British Experience

Keywords online child sexual abuse, online safety, technology, undercover policing, police challenges
Authors Elena Martellozzo
Author's information

Elena Martellozzo
Dr. Elena Martellozzo is a Criminologist at Middlesex University in London and specialises in sex offenders’ use of the internet and online child safety. She offers regular expert advice to the London Metropolitan Police and Italian Police Force (Polizia di Stato and Carabinieri). Her work includes the analysis of online grooming, distribution of indecent images and police practice in this area (corresp.:
  • Abstract

      Incidents of child sexual abuse (CSA) are frequently documented and have recently attracted intense police, public scrutiny and efforts of social control across the Western world. This paper aims to explore the very concerning issue of online CSA and the way in which the police is responding to this growing problem. It will present some of the challenges the police in the United Kingdom face daily in dealing with the threats to children’s online safety. It argues that although proactive undercover policing has helped police forces to unmask sex offenders1 who predate innocent victims online, the advancement of technology is making the work of police officers more and more challenging. The findings presented have been collected over the last decade (2003-2013) during two exploratory, grounded theory studies, which involved the interviews with 21 police officers and forensic examiners and the observation and analysis of three police operations at the London Metropolitan Police Paedophile Unit in London.

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