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Erasmus Law Review

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Issue 4, 2012

Willem van Boom
Professor of Law at Erasmus School of Law, Rotterdam (the Netherlands) and professor of Law at Durham Law School, Durham (England).

Access_open The Unfair Commercial Practices Directive in the UK

Authors Marios Koutsias and Chris Willett
Author's information

Marios Koutsias
Lecturer in Law, University of Essex.

Chris Willett
Professor of Commercial Law, University of Essex.

Bert Keirsbilck
Assistant Professor HUB, senior affiliated researcher KU Leuven.

C.M.D.S. Pavillon
Dr. C.M.D.S. (Charlotte) Pavillon is a postdoctoral researcher with the Groningen Centre for Law and Governance, University of Groningen (The Netherlands).

F. Weber
Post-doc researcher at the Private Law Department, Erasmus School of Law, Rotterdam, within the research program ‘Behavioural Approaches to Contract and Tort’ (