Hungarian Yearbook of International Law and European Law


Loss and Acquisition of EU Citizenship in the Case Law of the CJEU

In the Spirit of the Underlying Logic of Gradual Integration?

Keywords EU citizenship, nationality, statelessness, free movement, gradual integration
Authors Ágoston Mohay
Author's information

Ágoston Mohay
Ágoston Mohay: associate professor of law, University of Pécs.
  • Abstract

      According to the CJEU, EU citizenship is destined to be the fundamental status of the nationals of the EU Member States. The rules of EU primary law regarding this status however require interpretation in various dimension, with the relationship between national citizenship and EU citizenship being one of them. This paper analyses recent case law – focusing especially on the novelties of the JY judgment – regarding the loss and acquisition of EU citizenship, including the relevance of free movement and the concept of gradual integration. It finally offers some conclusions on how the scope of EU law should be interpreted in this context.

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