DOI: 10.5553/RP/048647001986028002261

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Verschuivingen en partijvoorkeur tijdens de parlementsverkiezingen van 13 oktober 1985

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Marc Swyngedouw, "Verschuivingen en partijvoorkeur tijdens de parlementsverkiezingen van 13 oktober 1985", Res Publica, 2, (1986):261-282

    This article is based on a quantitative evaluation of the shifts in voting behaviour of the Flemish population, from the national elections in 1981 to those in 1985. Using the variables sex, age and occupational status a further analysis is made of the voting behaviour of the different subgroups. Firstly the article describes the methodology by which the mobility tables were calculated using statistical information from poll surveys and the results of the elections. In the second part the results of the analysis, using log-linear modelling, correspondence analysis and cluster analysis,are presented. The results indicate significant shifts between the different parties. Furthermore they indicate that the sex of the voter has no significant influence on his voting behaviour. Finally, the odds ratios are calculated for the different subgroups with regard to the likehood of a voter moving (changing his voting behaviour) or staying.

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