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European Journal of Law Reform

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Issue 1, 2001

Beat Sitter-Liver
Professor of Applied Philosophy, University of Fribourg, Switzerland; Secretary-General, Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Stephan Anagnost
The author, currently the UNHCR Phare Horizontal Asylum (PHA) Project Manager, is also responsible for developing legal aid and protection solutions. The opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of the United Nations.

Stephan Anagnost
The author, currently the UNHCR Phare Horizontal Asylum (PHA) Project Manager, is also responsible for developing legal aid and protection solutions. The opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of the United Nations.

Alice Clapman
Yale Law School; former teaching assistant at the Jagiellonian University Law Clinic.

Dita Sole
Research Assistant, Concordia International University, Estonia.

Tim Lindsey
BA (Hons), B Litt (Hons), LLB, Ph.D (Melb), Associate Professor, Faculty of Law and Director, Asian Law Centre, both at The University of Melbourne.

Dorte Frandsen
Dr iur., LL.M., University of Copenhagen School of Law; Vice-President of the European Law Moot Court Society.

Frank Emmert