DOI: 10.5553/RP/048647001983025001003

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Kind en politiek

Een veldonderzoek naar de politieke kennis en houdingen bij kinderen van twaalf tot veertien jaar

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Stefaan Sterck, "Kind en politiek", Res Publica, 1, (1983):3-19

    Our research on political socialisation of children in Belgium between 12 and 14 years old (sample size: 372) by the technique of Annick Percheron, reveals a great deal of hostility towards the political system. The children were asked to judge of a number of political words. They dislike politicians, the political regime and even the basic democratic principles and institutions. Most children do not make any difference between political theory, but they react even more negatively towards politicians and are also less conservative. The difference in political knowledge and attitudes between boys and girls seems negligible. Children, who belong to the upper middle class, have the best political knowledge, working class children the worst. The latter show great aversion towards the political system, and also towards trade-unions and social action. In generalthey react in a conservative way.

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