DOI: 10.5553/RP/048647001983025001095

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La sécession

Eléments pour une explication à partir du cas katangais (1960-1963)

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Claude Roosens, "La sécession", Res Publica, 1, (1983):95-113

    The independence of Zaïre (formerly Belgian Congo) in 1960, was perceived by many as a symbol. The congolese question, which had a definite influence on the international scene, was quite significant for the Third World and for the U.N.O. who left there one of its most important peace keeping operation. The independence procedure of Zaïre drew also lessons on internal situation. The Katanga secession has played an essential part in the confusion which was associated with the first years of the independence. Analysing the mechanisms of the secession makes appear the structural causes of the instability of young states.

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